Cappuccini Tv | Who We Are


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This website is managed by the Capuchin Province of Sardinia and Corsica.

The Capuchins friars arrived in Corsica 1540 and in Sardinia 1591 from the Italian peninsula, but the Capuchin Order was founded before by Fra Matteo da Bascio and Fra Ludovico da Fossombrone in 1525. This is a branch of the Franciscan Order born in the XIII century.

We have ten friaries in Sardinia (Cagliari, Is Molas, Iglesias, Sanluri, Lanusei, Laconi, Oristano, Mores, Sassari and Sorso) and another one in Corsica (Bastia).

Moreover we are engaged in the evangelisation according to the teaching of the Church.

Our web television was born in 2010 in Cagliari at our friary and it is managed by a group of friends, capuchins and laymen.

We live broadcast our celebrations every day from the Shrine of Sant’Ignazio in Cagliari.





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